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Mobility &
Future of Work

Civic, in partnership with Opportunity Nation and Hart Research Associates, has worked on a research effort to marshal voices of low-income Americans on the challenges of fulfilling the promise of economic opportunity and mobility in the United States.

Civic collaborates with organizations that are part of the National Service Alliance, including The Franklin Project, the National Conference on CitizenshipVoices for National Service, and ServiceNation, to advance the idea that all young Americans should commit to a year of full-time national service.


Civic is partnering with numerous organizations and programs, such as the Earth Conservation CorpsEARTH University, and the 21st Century Conservation Service Corp, to strengthen environmental policies and initiatives on a national and global scale.

Previous Initiatives

Civic has worked on a variety of topics since 2004 such as health care and with a diverse array of organizations, including Children InternationalSpecial Olympics, and the National Peace Corps Association, to  strengthen their work domestically and internationally.

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Civic advances many education initiatives aimed at increasing the national high school graduation rate, such as the GradNation Campaign and American Graduate, and is partnering with several organizations working in the field of education, including the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, and Committee for Children.

National Service & Civic Engagement

Thanks to progress made from 2000, 10.6 million lives have been saved from malaria. But 800 children still die from malaria every day. You can help be part of the effort to end malaria deaths.  Go to:

Gracias a los progresos realizados entre 2001 y 2020, se han salvado 10.6 millones de vidas de la malaria. Pero aún mueren 800 niños de malaria cada día. Usted puede colaborar con la iniciativa para acabar con las muertes por malaria. Visite:

Washington, DC 20036


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