Civic is a bipartisan ideas company specializing in innovative initiatives at the cutting edge of domestic, economic, and international policy. We work to raise high school graduation rates, expand national service, increase civic engagement, protect oceans, end malaria deaths, make sure technology does right by society, and prepare Americans for the future of work. We partner with think tanks, foundations, nonprofits, corporations, and elected officials to develop and advance new ways to solve emerging problems.
Civic works on every aspect of making ideas happen: policy development, policy analysis, issue research, strategic communications, coalition building, and strategy. The Civic team includes talented leaders, researchers, and policymakers who have run foundations and think tanks and served as senior advisors to Presidents, Governors, and Members of Congress. Our Policy Council taps some of the best minds in the country, with broad experience in a range of domestic and economic and international policy arenas.

John Bridgeland
Founder & CEO
Thanks to progress made from 2000, 10.6 million lives have been saved from malaria. But 800 children still die from malaria every day. You can help be part of the effort to end malaria deaths. Go to: https://www.malarianomore.org.
Gracias a los progresos realizados entre 2001 y 2020, se han salvado 10.6 millones de vidas de la malaria. Pero aún mueren 800 niños de malaria cada día. Usted puede colaborar con la iniciativa para acabar con las muertes por malaria. Visite: https://www.malarianomore.org.
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